Saturday, June 28, 2008

Let's Make A Deal!

Well this story all starts with a tractor and Craig's list. It's like the classified ads on the internet... but it's free to post ads unlike the newspaper. People post and list just about everything on it. A big thing to do is to list things to trade. So...we listed a tractor and it was traded for a Honda 4 Wheeler. Since there is no where to ride a 4 wheeler around here another trade went into the works. Now thanks to Craig's list and yet another trade we are the proud owners of a Scooter.

With gas prices sky rocketing...this little cutie could come in handy! It is said to get around 70 to 80 miles to a gallon.

Now that's happy motoring!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Don't Take My Picture!!!!

Well ever since I started this blog I have been snapping pictures anytime I can! Usually I get "Ugh...don't take my picture!" Well ...what they don't know is I am going to take it anyway so they really should smile or you end up with pictures like these ;-)

They still turned out cute:)

Monday, June 23, 2008

We Call it Mello Yellow

Well today a transformation occurred...

It started with this and...


The final product was...

a cheery room with a matching jacket... go figure :)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Yard Work it Play?

Today was yard work day or it seemed someone decided to play alittle :)

This was David's grandfather's tractor. He decided to stretch her legs.

He has done a lot to restore it but it still has a little ways to go. He said she is 51 years old this year! WOW!

Our goose Willy was out there watching it all.

I then went on a walk about the yard and it looks as if we will have lots of grapes this year.

Just remember... as you are out and about your world... stop and eat the grapes :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Little Critter

For the past couple of days I had been seeing a little lizard in the house. Well yesterday Celia came up to me with this little guy in her hands.

He was the cutest little thing!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Happy Birthday!

Today we celebrated Jamie's and Matthew's birthdays.

He's legal...out of high school and to vote this year!

This is what happened when birthday boy got hold of the camera...

He said I never had to have pictures taken of me sooo here I am!

And we couldn't let a birthday post go by without a picture of the cake for Aunt Shirley!
Stay tuned July is a HUGE month for birthdays...I better start dieting now!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Graduation Day!

I can't believe it...yesterday Jamie graduated high school. It seemed like just yesterday I was taking an excited little boy to pick out first day of school shoes and backpack. Then it was just yesterday I was taking an excited little boy out to lunch and helping him get ready for graduation.

We started out at Chili's for lunch...

The proud grandparents...the fourth grandchild to graduate. (The fifth, Danny, will be Friday!)

And getting ready...

The proud parents...

The same front yard I stood in 23 years ago on graduation day!

Then it was off to the races...

oops I mean the felt like a race to get there and get a good seat
and boy was it crowded.

Just hum Pomp and la.. la.. laaa... laaa :)
It's stuck in your head now isn't it???;-)

The excitement setting in

Diploma in hand!

We ended the night with what else....cake and presents!
It was a very exciting day! One door has closed and another is opening...