Saturday, February 28, 2009

Signs of Life!

Welcome to my yard where there are signs of...



and more death!

I'm afraid with the freezes we had this winter many of my plants suffered greatly.

But there is hope because there are...

signs of life!

I think Spring is right around the corner thank goodness!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Happy Birthday

Because it feels like I am just starting with a fresh cold I missed Sunday dinner today and Keely's birthday :-(
Thanks to a considerate husband and a thoughtful father, I did get to enjoy something...


Even though I don't have pictures, a very "Happy Birthday" wish goes out to Keely!

Puppy Paws and Dog Piles!

After fun in the yard playing fetch the pooches were all tuckered out!

So I caught some puppy paws and

a snuggley dog pile! A tired Lab is a good Lab!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope everyone's sweetie was sweet to them this morning! Celia and I made cookies this morning (well mostly Celia, she baked and I helped decorate).

Yum, Yum!

These are the rejects, as Celia put it, from the main platter...notice the lips? That one's mine :-)

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Anyone Want to Play?

It all started with this...a dog and his ball.

When no one came he entertained himself...

Finally Josie did come and play with him.
Then Luke decided to try to play with someone else...

Look closely under the tractor to right...Amelia, our chicken wanted no part of it!

I'm ready...who wants to play???

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Good Morning Sunshine!

Ever since David started his new South Beach life we have been eating breakfast. It is actually true what is said, eating breakfast is necessary for a healthy way of eating. (Notice I avoided the diet word!)

It starts off looking like this...

and it ends up saying "Good Morning Sunshine"

What a great way to start the morning!

Belated Birthday Wishes!

We did celebrate John's birthday, I'm just a little late posting it. I have been busy working and taking a class for a certification endorsement the state says I have to have. Otherwise trust me, teaching school is all the school I want :)

Here are the birthday candles...ummm I think there is a problem...

Oh there they are in the right order:)

Here's to another year around the sun! Happy Birthday!