Well it is now officially Autumn! I can definitely see it and feel it. A day like today makes me think of my favorite poem by Daddy, Clouds. Here it is for you to enjoy as I already have today. These are some of the clouds I saw as I looked around the sky.
Come lie with me on this warm hill.
It is a lovely day.
I'll show you a game I love still,
when the clouds come out to play.
Let's start with that little one just overhead.It is a lovely day.
I'll show you a game I love still,
when the clouds come out to play.
Don't bring your toys for you will find
there's little you will need
It's a game for those with an open mind
and their young spirits freed.
there's little you will need
It's a game for those with an open mind
and their young spirits freed.
Now tell me what you see?
It could be a pillow or a loaf of bread.
Just let your thoughts fun free.
They change their shape as about they float.
You see why they're so much fun?
That one could be a whale or a fishing boat.
Now it's your turn to pick out one.