Saturday, August 18, 2007

Natural Bug Out

It is the most interesting thing to watch...for about 2 weeks now this spider has been coming every night and making its own midnight buffet. Then in the morning it very carefully and neatly takes down its dinner table (which I am very thankful for...there is nothing more unnerving than to walk through a spider's web and then wonder...where is the spider????) Strand by strand the spider detaches the web and then stays in the Crepe Myrtle tree all day. It then comes back at night and builds another. It will be sad when the night comes, that I go out and don't see my natural pest controller anymore. Nature is a very interesting thing to watch.

At night...

In the morning...

It taking down its web...

The tree it lies in wait in during the day!


David O said...

I love that one shows great "depth of field" photography.

Rachel_Raye said...

I LOVE SPIDERS... Well I like them outside.... only the little ones are allowed to live in the house to catch flies (which I am terrified of). I love them so much that I just had to get a tattoo of one... yah I know... nobody likes it.